
Sure Could Use Some Rain

(May 23, 2016 – Dallas, TX) Many species of animals have made their great migration from the deserts of Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean and through the plains to the wetlands of Dallas, Texas in hopes for a chance of life and revival due to the rains that have filled the basin and allowed the great jungles to flourish over the past month.

In an unrelated story and as a result of the global change, the Dallas Spirits Baseball Club will once again be suspending play due to wet field conditions. With Memorial Day slated for next week, the team looks forward to perhaps playing and seeing you out and about in the Dallas area in June, 2016.

Stay tuned to Facebook and our website for updates and player notes. Thanks for your support and have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. The Dallas Spirits Baseball Club proudly salutes and remembers all of the fallen soldiers, including men and women in uniform who have fought and stood by our country and our freedom.

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