John Showalter returns for his second season as a Team Manager for the Spirits Open (18+) squad. Having been the skipper for the Dallas Thunder in the DFW Adult Baseball Association in past seasons, John brings his leadership skills and lead-by-example mentality to the NTABL, after previously re-branding to the Dallas Spirits Open (18+) team. In 2018, Showalter and his squad will jump up a level, moving from the NTABL Open American League to the slightly more competitive NTABL Open National League. In addition to managing the Spirits Open (18+) squad, Showalter also carries out duties as Team Manager for the Dallas Spirits Fall Ball (Trinity) squad.
Showalter led his Open American squad to a 2017 League Championship and fell just a run short of winning the Fall Ball (Trinity) title. A solid third baseman on the Veterans (35+) squad as a player, Showalter seeks the same type of excitement he finds playing at the “hot corner” running his teams in each of the NTABL’s respective and competitive divisions. John increasees his role as a player for the ball club after a successful stint as a pitcher during the 2018 MSBL Las Vegas Kickoff Classic. Showalter will see innings on the Veterans (35+) squad and will also see some cameo roles on the Masters (45+) squad as well.
As noted, Showalter leads by example and genuinely cares about about the success of his players and teammates, and he combines the appropriate amount of competitiveness and camaraderie, which proves to be a winning combination both on and off the field. The ball club looks forward to these new chapters of Dallas Spirits brand baseball and looks forward to the continued support of John and his teams. Showalter resides in Denton, TX along with his son, Jackson.